Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Truth on Climate Change is Out There, Somewhere

Al Gore was in Toronto yesterday promoting his socialist agenda against global warming. I'm against global warming too, but not in the way Mr Gore would like me too. I'm against its lies.

Back in 2003, the Media utterly failed in questioning the motives for the Iraq war, and admitted it. Many people in journalism said they would never let that happen again. I've got some news for the media, switching your bias from right to left doesn't fix the problem. That's what's been done with global warming. Not a soul in journalism has questioned the science or motivations behind global warming. Once again, the media has failed the public as it did in the build up to Iraq. It's an issue I've been following and attempting to seek out the truth. I've finally discovered it in the form of a little known series done by the National Post called "Deniers". So far, the Post is the only media outlet that has released an article (not an editorial) discussing the position of people who are against this latest bandwagon issue.

It is still up on the National Post's website but you'll have to search the archives to find it. The Post only keeps articles available online for 30 days so I suggest you get it while you can. Click the link below to read the series.
Climate Change: The Deniers

The week long expose examined the issue. Interviewed for Part I, a well respected statistician (one of the top in his field) argued that the majority of research done on global warming was conducted using unreliable historical statistics and failed to use proper scientific method to come to the conclusions. In other words, the claims that the 20th century was the hottest on record cannot be verified. If it can't be verified, it's not science.
A prominent meteorologist who studies hurricanes in Part III tells the tale of how the United Nation's committee on global warming attempted to push him to say that recent high hurricane activity was being caused by global warming. The meteorologist stated that there is no reliable correlation between hurricane activity and global warming. Once again, if it can't be verified, it's not science.
Other articles in the series discussed the limits of predictability, to the limited effects of man made greenhouse gases, to the fact that any climate changes is controlled by external forces such as the sun. These people are well respected scientists, not crackpot conspiracy theorists sitting in a dank basement somewhere. In short, the series shows that a lot of what has become gospel to people such as Al Gore is based on junk science that cannot be backed up, thus violating the most primary law of modern science.

The series also discusses another important fact that comes in the form of its title, the "Deniers". To deny means you refuse to acknowledge something that exists, at least in this case. Those who chose to debunk global warming are very gradually being brought to the level of those who deny the holocaust. That's what's making this conspiracy so disturbing. The big difference is that the holocaust can be verified through accurate historical records and conclusive physical evidence, unlike global warming. If we could but put global warming on trial in a court of law, it's case would be thrown out since it's based purely on hearsay, circumstantial evidence, and outright lies.
Global warming is rapidly becoming a modern religion. Where else could you present lies as facts that people blindly accept. I propose us more intelligent people start our own religion that's based on solid science and reason. A group that sees global warming for what it really is; a lie.
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