Friday, March 28, 2008

Earth Hour a Publicity Stunt

I remember way back when WWF meant a good smack down. Global warming shares a lot in common with pro wrestling, namely for showmanship and the fact that it's fake. The Luddites are at it again. The latest publicity stunt by a certain animal rights group wants us to turn all our lights off at 8pm on March 29th for an hour. It's been dubbed "Earth Hour". Supposedly turning all our lights off is going to save the planet. This certain group was originally created to preserve animal habitats but I guess they've been loosing publicity due to GW so have decided to hop on the bandwagon. How does one get attention in this day and age? Bring up GW of course. Earth Hour is nothing more than a publicity stunt that's more transparent than grandma's underwear. It does give me the opportunity though to find out which people on my street are utter morons. Personally, I intend to have my house lit up like the Griswalds' Christmas in protest. Toronto hopes 1 million people will join in but recent unscientific polls show that's not the case. 64% of CTV (liberal bias) viewers said they don't think the event will have any effect. A whopping 80% of Toronto Sun (conservative bias) readers said they would not participate. This gives me some hope that there is at least a majority of people in this world with their heads screwed on right. People smart enough to separate truth from brainwashing.

I really don't see how abandoning technology for an hour would do anything, even if global warming was real. Especially in Toronto where the vast majority of our electricity comes from nuclear and hydroelectric power, which don't emit carbon exhaust. Let the Luddites freeze in the dark for an hour, looking like fools. I'll be sitting here in the toasty warm glow of my electric lights, chilling with a couple video games, a hot cup of tea from my electric kettle, and my favourite albums.
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