Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Climate is Changing: Hell Has Frozen Over

Satan himself has laced up his ice skates this week to practice his triple sow cows on the frosty Phlegethon. The BBC has admitted that the world has not warmed 1998, in line with what climate sceptics have been saying for years. They even go as far as saying that the climate models were wrong. However, the BBC was quick to note that the "real" scientists expect warming to start back up again soon.

What happened to global warming?

The BBC is well known for their unrelenting support of the pro-AGW argument, despite claiming not to have a "bias, U-Turn, or agenda" on the subject. This is probably the first article I've seen that takes the anti-AGW side that doesn't patronize the sceptics, well at least for the first half. If they actually took the time to post an actual fact on the subject, you know things are starting to look bad for Al and Company.

Despite this admission, the BBC took the time to post this scary article that arctic ice will disappear in the next 10 years.

Arctic to Be 'Ice Free in Summer'

Satellite imagery has shown that the arctic ice sheets have in fact been growing. 2009 also boasted one of the coldest summers in recent memory despite climatologists predicting record breaking heat waves back in the spring. Autumn was also expected to be warmer than normal. October, in Ontario anyway, has been unseasonably cool, with temperatures half of what they normally are. Climate change is now considered the least important issue in the United States, suggesting that people are loosing faith in what pro-AGW scientists and activists are saying. All we have to do is cut off their gravy train to put this issue to bed once and for all. Easier said than done.
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