Friday, March 20, 2009

David Dodge Living in a Technicolor Dream World

This says it all. Just going to do a direct copy & paste this story. The statistics don't support what people like Buffet and Dodge are saying.

OTTAWA — Retail sales in Canada rose unexpectedly in January by 1.9 per cent to $33.7 billion after three months of declines thanks largely to a rise in the auto sector, Statistics Canada reported Friday.

Automobiles sales jumped 6.4 per cent in January following a 15.1 per cent decline the month before, the federal agency reported.

Analysts polled by Bloomberg had been calling for a one per cent rise in retail sales.

The gain in January reverses a 5.2 per cent slide in December, the largest monthly drop in more than 15 years and the third consecutive month of declines.


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