Sunday, March 22, 2009

No RESPECT For Galloway

Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, you're guaranteed freedom of expression and freedom of association. However, someone needs to tell British MP George Galloway's supporters that this only applies to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants. The controversial UK politician has been denied access to Canada on grounds of him being a risk to national security. Galloway had planned to speak at several events in Toronto, Mississauga, and Montreal; having been invited by the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War. The theme of the conference was "Resisting War: From Gaza to Kandahar." First, I think we need a little back story to explain why this man was denied access by the Ministry of Immigration in the first place. Mr. Galloway, from Scotland, was originally a member of parliament under the Labour Party. Back in 2003, he was strongly opposed Tony Blair's proposed invasion of Iraq. Galloway was expelled from the party for insubordination after calling Blair's government "a lie machine". Remember that he was a member of Blair's caucus at the time. Galloway went on to be the first sitting MP of the newly created RESPECT party in 2004. RESPECT is an acronym for Respect, Equality, Socialism, Peace, Environmentalism, Community, and Trade Unionism. It is a party situated on the far left and from what I've read on Wikipedia, it takes a vary radical stance. It is not a social democratic party like the NDP. It is allied with Britain's communist parties and take a strong anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist stance. In short, Galloway himself is a communist and proudly so.

So Galloway may be a radical member of a radical party who is against a war that Canada is not involved in. That is hardly a qulification to bar him from the country. However, Galloway is known to be familiar with some seedy characters in the "anti-war" movement. In 2005, he was accused by the United States of personally profiting from the UN oil-for-food scandal in Iraq, among other allegations of corruption. In 2007, he was censured from the House of Commons for failing to cooperate with investigations into his political integrity. It was recommended he be suspended for eighteen months though I could not find any information as to whether this threat was carried out. Furthermore, Galloway has openly admitted to giving aid to infamous Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas during their 2008-2009 war with Israel. This last bit is why he cannot enter the country. He is known to fund of a group on Canada's terror watch list.

I find it ironic that he does not support one group's war but supports the war of another. Both are arguably guilty of war crimes and nine times out of ten, it has been Hamas that has violated UN backed cease fire agreements. They are the aggressors. Little of what the radical left does makes sense though, or ever made sense. One needs to delve deep into the minds of people like Galloway to get a true understanding of why the war on terror is rapidly becoming unwinnable. People on the left are always inclined to support the underdog. However, the vast majority of anti-war protesters who defend these groups are ignorant of what actually goes on. They soak up Hamas propaganda as if it were going out of style. That's how you get people to support you these days, pretend to be the victim even while you continue to lob rockets at civilians. Groups like Fatah, who have brokered successful peace deals, are largely ignored. However, Galloway is different from your typical university student protester who falls for these traps. He harbours a great deal of hatred for Israel and Western democracies, despite being part of the latter. Such a deep seeded hatred of another country and it's people cannot stem from actions alone. I don't approve of what China or Venezuela does but I certainly would not give a cent to any group who's mission statement is to wipe out the Chinese or Latino people. (Didn't we fight a war agaisnt that some 65 years ago?) There is a vary clear racial element present for somebody to hate a country so much when said nation has posed no personal threat to them or their home land. Antisemitism on the radical left is a disturbing and growing problem. When it comes to Israel, I'm neutral on the subject. It's another country in a far corner of the world. It's not a trade partner with Canada or part of any strategic alliances with us. Their war with Hamas does not effect us and up until recently has been contained. Israel is a democratic country and does not engage in violating the rights of its own citizens, unlike Sudan. Nor are they trying to commit genocide as some have claimed. I don't take issue with how they chose to solve their problems as long as they follow the rules of war. I do have a problem when people like Galloway hold violent marches against the actions of these countries, similar to the riots that happened in Montreal a decade ago. I do have a problem when Canadian universities openly allow their students to target a specific ethnic group for harassment, or refuse to hire professors from said group. These sort of actions are highly un-Canadian. What these protesters supporting Galloway need to get into their thick skulls is that it is a privilege, not a right, to come to Canada. He is a terror threat, a racist, and would be an affront to Canadian values. This is why I believe he should not be allowed into this country. Canada is under absolutely no obligation to let him in.

Update: Bill Ayres is now blasting Canada for not letting Galloway into the country. For those who don't know, Ayres headed the Weather Underground (aka the Weathermen, not related to actual weather site, a home grown pro-communist terror organization within the United States during the 1970s. The WU comitted several arsons in NYC, and detonated bombs in Greenwich Village NYC and at the Pentagon in 1972. Ayres quite proudly admits he was involved in the attacks. He is currently a university professor and friends with Barack Obama. The latter ignited controversey during the 2008 POTUS election. Well, I guess if you're a radical who supports terrorists, it's good to have a radical that is a terrorist in your corner.
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