Thursday, August 05, 2010

Cuba no vacation spot

Many Canadians are lured to Cuba for it's white beaches, azure seas, and rum & colas a plenty. But that's only what the government wants you to see. Beyond the tourist areas, Cuba is still a rundown island controlled by a ruthless dictatorship. Wander off the beaten path and you're likely to get caught up in the web of corruption that rules the island.

Nineteen-year-old Simcoe, Ontario teen Cody LeCompte learned that the heard way. He was visiting Cuba when his rental care was sideswiped by a pickup truck. Unlike Canada, you're not innocent until proven guilty. Especially if you're a foreigner. Many Latin Americans have a fierce dislike for gringos (white English-speaking foreigners). It might shock some to hear this, but few can tell the difference between Canadians and Americans. Even though there was proof LeCompte didn't cause the accident, Cuban officials cared little. He has been held on the island since April before they decided to let him go this week.

There's very little the Canadian consulate can do in these situations. They have no jurisdiction there. The Cuban government is entirely within their rights not to cooperate. LeCompte got lucky because the Cubans didn't want to damage the tourism industry. But, it stands as a stern warning to other would-be travellers.

Cuba won't respect the rights of its own people, so why should they respect the rights of a rich gringo? Canada can't help you once you leave the country. You absolutely have to maintain extra vigilance at all times when you're visiting places like these. Better yet, take a trip to Florida instead.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Ground Zero mosque a mistake

I was reading New York City has approved the construction of a major mosque right next to Ground Zero. The Islamic centre is run by a cleric that has been extremely critical of America. He has accused them of indirectly causing 9/11 by pushing the Muslim world to far. In all fairness he has stated that terrorism is not the Muslim way. On the other hand he has tried to absolve the hijackers by blaming US policy. Reading the comments on news sites, a lot of people seem to be applauding the NYC decision. Many commentators say it's a victory against the "bigots" who wanted to stop the building of Cordoba House.

Feisal Abdul Rauf, the above mentioned cleric, says he's building the mosque to bridge cultures. Let's say I believe him for a minute. Even if that is his intended purpose, there are plenty of Muslims who won't see it that way.

The name Cordoba House is provocative in itself. Cordoba was the seat of power in Muslim occupied Spain. Regardless of his intentions, to the families of 9/11 victims, it's offensive. It would be like Japan erecting a war memorial in Nanjing, or someone putting a Nazi flag over Auschwitz. Intentional or not, it's a subtle display of power and supremacy. There's a lot of people who will take it that way.

Nobody is saying that Feisal Abdul Rauf can't build Cordoba House. Building it next to Ground Zero just isn't an appropriate place. Especially with memories of that day still fresh in people's minds. Three-thousand people of all faiths and backgrounds died that day. Not all terrorists are Muslims but the 9/11 hijackers were, and did it in the name of Islam. If Abdul Rauf really wanted to bridge cultures, he would not be trying to build his mosque in such a provocative place. For someone who preaches sensitivity about his culture, he certainly seems to have none for ours.