Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Thoughts for the Week

I have not had the time to post any full articles so here's some quick thoughts on this week's news.

Belinda Stronach's alledged affair with Tie Domi is the big story. Stronach cannot understand why it's attracted so much media attention. She believes the harsh critisism she's received is a result of sexism stating it would not get the same reaction if she were a man. Try telling that to Bill Clinton.

The federal Conservatives have cut $1 billion in programs. Liberals are outraged saying the cuts harm the most vulnerable. In other words, pot smokers.

Travel restrictions have been relaxed. You can no bring liquids and gels in containers no bigger than 90ml. You can still bring drinks on the plane provided you bought them at the terminal, for $3 a bottle.

The Ontario Liberals have offered voters a carrot on a stick in the form of banning expiry dates on gift cards. It's about time, but this is something that's only going to win over the stupid. Unfortunately, there's a lot of them.

President of Venezuela George Lopez, er, Hugo Chavez called George W Bush the devil. Yes, it's the gringo's fault his country is in the trash, rather than it's own corrupt, dictatorial government. This from a man calling Bush violent and undemocratic who just happened to lead a military coup in his own country, twice, before being elected president. I don't even think his best buddy Fidel Castro hates America that much.
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