Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Milton: Who Ever Wins, We Lose

It's been a long time since I posted a Milton article. The municipal elections are coming up. What is has been presented is a sad story of our local affairs. I witnessed local corruption first hand at the meeting dealing with the proposed mall to be built at Derry and Bronte back in October. A highly inappropriate location for such a facility. Both local residents and developer Field Gate Homes are strongly opposed to its construction. Mayor Krantz seems to have made up his mind, making a passing comment that we would have to appeal it to the OMB. Let us remember that this was not a meeting to vote on the proposed zoning change that would allow the mall, only for information and to voice opposition. I thus found the mayor's comment very odd. This leads me to believe that there is a lot of back door politics and kickbacks going on behind closed doors at Town Hall.

We now have less than one week before the election. Of the myriad of candidates, little information about them has been given. I place a great deal of blame on the local Canadian Champion newspaper about this. I feel they have not devoted enough on election coverage and have failed journalistically by not criticizing the local officials. Most of the information coming out is about the incumbents, which further adds fuel to my corruption theory. The local news has become nothing more than Mayor Krantz's personal photo album. Nobody knows what the other candidates stand for.

Personally, I will not be voting for anybody who is currently on council. I feel they've destroyed our town by selling us out to the developers. Shame. Unfortunately, I'm predicting landslide victories for the incumbents simply due to lack of voter information, and the disgustingly small turn out for municipal elections. Remember Miltonians, municipal elections effect you the most. Don't let these people back in office!

The Milton municipal election will result in an illegitimate government. The long time residents of Milton have lost our town forever. Welcome to New Brampton.
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