Friday, April 20, 2007

Kyoto: Death to Canada's Economy

Kyoto, the now infamous environmental accord that the Liberals foolishly signed onto would mean death to Canada's economy. Not only that, it would cost Canadian tax payers and additional $3000 to implement. That's according to environmental minister Baird. I'm inclined to agree. The political parties that have signed onto the global warming lie have all failed to consider how much this would cost our economy.

This simply has to end. The Environmental Bolsheviks have Canadians by the balls by brainwashing people to buy into their false claims about the existence of global warming. I'm pretty sure people think that the sun is going to send out a beam that will blow up the Earth just like the Death Star. The sheep simply follow what ever the left has manufactured in order to gain political power. All global warming really is about is socialism, that is, making the world socialist. The cold war has never really ended in that sense, it's just that Communism has found another front to hide behind.

Then you have the politicians and activists who have been sent out to fight something that does not exist. They are environmental Don Quixotes, out to fight the windmills of global warming. The global warming issue has perfectly illustrated the complete failure of the government, the people, and the media. They are all victims in this conspiracy.

Simply put, the Kyoto agreement is unrealistic. The United States was smart when they refused to sign on to it. If Canada tries to meet its agreement, I don't think our economy could handle it. Businesses will simply pack up and move elsewhere, where Kyoto does not apply. The higher taxes will drain our wallets. Is fighting the windmills really worth it?
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