Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Family Day?

Wow, just... wow. The Liberals actually think that making a statutory holiday in February will get Ontarians to give them their vote. While I've seen many tactics for buying votes, I have to say this is a new one. I have to say that this both disgusts and insults me at the same time. Quite a feat.

The sad part is, the Liberals may be onto something. The fact that this is even being discussed is a great piece of social commentary. It just goes to show how full of ourselves we must be that the Liberals would even consider this to have even an off chance of working.
The cause for these desperation tactics has become obvious. Back in January, I predicted that the Ontario Liberals would receive a minority government in the October election. Sure enough, that's where they stand right now. They hold 40% of the popular vote, which just stuns me after all the crap they've pulled, but this still isn't enough to claim a majority of seats in the legislature. The Liberals are hinging this holiday on that. They say that they will only make Family Day a statutory holiday if they are given a majority. This is essentially blackmailing voters.

Will this tactic work? Who knows. An informal internet poll done by CTV (with 350 respondents as of right now) shows that 69% will not change their vote based on this. Still, 31% said they would. While this only reflects CTV viewers, it presents a nice snapshot of our society. At least 108 people can be bought with something so cheap and selfish. It also seems to be an integral part of what's amounting to a poorly managed political campaign being put forth by the Liberals. In essence, McGuinty is just throwing last minute money at people in hopes of buying votes. This has what the Liberals have done time after time (more notably at the federal level) yet people still keep falling for it.
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