Friday, February 15, 2008

Family Day Fraud

Back during the 2007 provincial election, I laughed at McGuinty's Family Day. Well, it's now coming up this Monday and a lot of debate is stirring over it. 40% of Ontarians will not be getting it off. As for myself, it replaces an existing holiday that was scheduled before Family Day was announced. So technically, I don't consider myself as getting Family Day off.

The issue was first brought up by the Toronto police services who noted that they were the only people on city staff who would not be getting the holiday. Other people not getting the day off include contracted union workers, retail staff, and many others in the private sector. Businesses had little time to prepare and adjust contracts so a lot of people have either the choice of working or not getting paid. The holiday itself is corrupt in its nature. It was brought up when McGuinty was starting to dip in the polls as a vote buying measure. A number of foolish Canadians seem to have bought his game but for the rest of us, tough luck. It seems to me to be more of a holiday for civil servants and school teachers. This group of people already gets more time off than anybody else. Days they get off that nobody else does include Remembrance Day, Boxing Day, the day after New Years, and Christmas Eve. Now they have one more to add to this longest list. I think we should give Family Day the boot. I personally refuse to celebrate a holiday that was created for purely corrupt political reasons. To me, it makes more sense to add a holiday in June instead of the middle of winter, since what's there to do in February?
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