Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Corporations, Abusing Customers, and the Environment

Today is Earth Day so I thought it fitting to take pot shots at the environmentalists. I thought though that I'd conserve my own energy to "spend less on dinner". In other words, I'm feeling too lazy to write an article when Terrance Corcoran of the National Post does a good job summing up the same argument. Basically, his article deals with how big corporations are jumping on the environmental bandwagon and are now turning to nagging consumers. If you thought these stores treated you like dirt before, the best is yet to come.

Environmentalism is PC these days and I suppose they feel the need to do this or else the eco-nuts won't shop there. As if their dollar somehow is worth more than mine. I somehow find it ironic though that these are the same places that run the heat hot as hell in the winter and the AC colder than a witch's teat in the summer. That for hypocrisy for you. I can now add the Bay to my list of insolent retailers that I refuse to shop at. Home Depot and Loblaws were already on there. Lululemon doesn't sound like a store I'd shop at to begin with.

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