Sunday, May 18, 2008

Go Blind but Have Great Breasts

I'm a bit slow off the mark with this story since the news has been unusually quiet about it. I had caught the tail end of this on the TV news but I had no idea what they were talking about. The Ontario Liberals have announced that OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) will now cover sex change opperations. I did a double take reading this in the Sun this morning. This is yet another in a string of nonsense plans McGuinty has announced this month. The other two being the cigarette wall coverup and the pesticide ban.

The whole concpet of changing one's sex has always puzzled me. I fail to see why anyone in a right mental state, gay or strait, would want to do this. Even so, though you can make a man look like a woman, he will still be a man so in essence it's just putting lipstick on a pig. I can dress up like Superman for Halloween but that doesn't mean I can leap over tall buildings. To me, this sort of gender confusion comprises a mental illness, not a sexual orientation, and it should be treated as such. The Liberals' choice to cover this is outrageous since it is a gross misuse of medical resources and public money just because some nutter guy wants breasts. Perhaps what makes me particularly mad is the fact that this sort of thing is being put before priority medical treatments. For example, in 2004, the Liberals announced that OHIP would no longer cover the cost of eye exams, which cost the system the princely sum of $80 a visit. I would say that good eye health is critical given that so much of our society and human evolution revolves around us having good sight. Dentistry is another one. It has never been covered by OHIP. Doctors have been saying for years that oral health can have drastic effects on the rest of the body. So essentially, what the Liberals are saying is that it's ok to be blind and have rotten teeth but putting breast implants in a guy and cutting his nuts of is priority.

Once again, I think the Liberals have become vastly out of touch with the society they claim to represent. This is a classic case of putting the issues of a very small minoirty of people before the greater good of society as a whole. Our medical system in this country is in decline and always strapped for cash yet we always seem to find money for this stuff but nothing else. People should be outraged by this and the fact that their not is a sad statement of our society.
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