Friday, September 26, 2008

Election 2008 Gaffe & Idiocy Tracker

People seem to like it when politicians make mistakes and embarrass their party. So lets track the gaffes just for fun. All parties welcome. If you find any, please post links to articles in the comments section.

First off, we have Lesley Hughes, a Liberal candidate for the riding of Kildonan-St Paul in Manitoba. A mother and writer, Lesley thinks September 11th was a joint conspiracy by the CIA and the Jews. So much for Liberal multiculturalism and political correctness.

Of course, what would the Gaffe Tracker be without something from good ol' Garth Turner. The much despised Liberal MP for the riding of Halton in Ontario. Whether he's faking going door-to-door campaigning, this rotund fifty something enjoys dinner by candlelight, long walks on the beach, and putting his opponents on "death watch".

Next we have Andrew McKeever, the NDP candidate in the riding of Durham Ontario calling US war deserters "crybabies". An irony for a party that wants to pull out all troops from Afghanistan immediately.

Lee Richardson, the Conservative candidate for Calgary Centre blames crime on immigrants.

Stephane Dion thinks his own party members should be ignored.

While Steven Harper is being blasted for saying Canadians can't relate to artists who attend "rich galas".

NDP candidate Julian West from BC has been removed by the party for exposing the naked truth.

More to come!
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