Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Judge Blames Woman for Ex-Boyfriend's Abuse

Yet another Ontario judge is in hot water over a highly questionable ruling. Gregory Pockele is in trouble for telling a domestic abuse victim that she should have "walked out" of that relationship. Melodie White of London ON said the relationship had been plagued with constant arguments but it was only towards the end where her ex got violent. White's ex assaulted her enough to leave bruises on her. The transcripts from the court seem to indicate that Judge Pockele believed that White's ex had beat her, yet he dismissed all charges anyway. The police had laid four charges against the boyfriend citing assualt, uttering death threats, threatening animal cruelty, and mischief. The judge dismissed the charges on the grounds that modern woment are "not weak and disadvantaged" and that White should have been "gone in a flash".

According to court transcripts, Pockele said the following. "Thirty years ago . . . there were all sorts of women in houses where men had beaten them, husbands had beaten them regularly, and they could not get out, They did not have jobs to go to and they had kids, and they were trapped. There was no way to stand up and get out, and we were trying to help the weak and the disadvantaged, but modern women are not weak and disadvantaged . . ."

Furthermore, Judge Pockele ordered White not to call police should she ever have an incident with this man again. White said she felt shocked and embarrassed by the ruling. "So what? I didn't get beaten enough?" White asked. "All he did was throw me to the ground that time? That's not enough?" White is taking her case to Ontario's judicial watchdog. The case has also outraged womens' advocacy groups. "Suddenly, he's saying women are able to walk out the doors into the sunset. He is closing his eyes to the number of women who have been killed trying to walk out the door," said Megan Walker, head of the London Abused Women's Centre.

This story is interesting since I think it really perfectly displays the current attitude of Canadian courts to marginalize victims of crime. So what, if I look at some guy the wrong way and he shoots me dead, this guy is going to get off because I shouldn't have even been in the same area as him? It's the same thing. Now as a man, I admit I find it odd as to why women would stay with abusive partners for so long and not seek help. I guess they honestly do fear they will be killed. Modern women may be more empowered than ever. However, there is one simple biological fact. Men in general are physically stronger than women. For the judge to deny this woman justice in light of the fact that he believes the man is guilty beyond reasonable doubt is a gross case of negligence. Judge Pockele deserves to be removed from the bench. I do agree with womens groups that our court system does not take cases of domestic abuse seriously enough. This is just another nail in the coffin for our disgraced justice system.

Source: CNEWS
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