Friday, November 21, 2008

Is Recycling Really as Green As We Think?

Here in Milton, the new green bin has been subject to a lot of controversy. For those who don't know, Green Bins are for wet garbage. Basically food scraps, soiled paper, etc. Before the program was introduced this year, Halton had garbage picked up every week and recycling picked up every other week. We had all wanted recycling to be picked up each week too, and we got it. However, there's a catch. Halton now picks up the green bin and recycling each week, but garbage every other week. So, what's the problem with this. Well, in other jurisdictions, diapers can be put in the green bin. Toronto and Peel Region allow it. Halton does not. Soiled styrofoam meat packages also can't go in the bin. When the blood in these packages festers for two weeks, it creates quite a smell. A woman wrote into the local paper complaining about the lack of garbage service, especially concerning the baby diaper issue. She received a lot of flack from local greenies and the region itself. They basically told here, not in those exact words, that she was being an idiot.

I'd like to direct my readers to a letter by Milton resident Joe Gesualdi, published in November 19th's Milton Canadian Champion. Joe muses that the new recycling program might actually create more waste and environmental damage than just sending it all to landfills. Joe cites that there are now three trucks picking up garbage instead of just the one. Each truck burning gallons of diesel fuel. He also mentions that recycling programs do not divert as much waste as people think they do, which is a known fact that a quick Google search will prove. Essentially, we are paying more for what amounts to less service. I think this letter is especially relevant considering the fiasco over garbage collection currently ocurring in the City of Toronto. I say it's time we fought to get our services back. Ban the Green Bin.
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