Monday, January 12, 2009

Jesus Lives! ... In Honolulu?

"Obama, he going to pay my mortgage!" The now famous words that were uttered by a woman during the US election campaign that might have well been uttered by Mammy in some racist 1930s movie. Yes, we are now one week away from when Barack Obama will be inaugurated President of the United States. It is historical, from a certain point of view, that Obama will be America's first white raised mulatto president. What he is really does not effect how he can preform in his job, which is all that should matter. However, the American media has carefully crafted him as being some sort of Jesus-like figure; a black messiah. It's obvious that this tactic has worked. The lady who said that Obama would pay her mortgage honestly believes he will, as do many other African Americans, but more importantly most white liberals. It has affected Canadians on this side of the border as well, with travel agencies arranging road trips to see his "historic" inauguration, as if they were going to see Moses giving the Sermon on the Mound. It is really hard to grip my feeble mind around the lunacy that is "Obamania". Here is a man who's whole campaign was constructed around lies, dodges, and passing the buck. Obama is the proverbial person who can jump into the manure pile and still end up smelling like roses. Whether it be the Reverend Wright incident, or Ayres, or the scandal over his vacant senate seat, or his total lack of executive experience. Let us not forget the fact that liberals have touted his African American victim heritage despite the fact that he is half white, half Kenyan, raised white, by a well off middle class family living in a tropical paradise. Obama is certainly no Eva Peron, as his backers try to make him out to be. As my mother used to say "bullshit baffles brains", and the liberals have been doing that exceptionally well during the whole process from the primaries up to inauguration. Of course, you can make the same accusations of any politician. However, that certainly doesn't excuse him from these issues. The fact that people believe he's going to radically change the world are pure loonies.

I can't help but wonder whether the if messiah status will ultimately hurt Obama, particularly if he chooses a second run at office. The liberal media build up has put an exceptionally high level of expectations on the man, both in the minds of Americans and the global community at large. The real question now is whether he's going to be another FDR, or another LBJ. Right now, America is facing tough economic times and there simply isn't the money or logistics to implement some of the programs he touted, such as socialized medicine. Given how many resources these programs consume here in Canada, it's just not practical. America already has an unprecedented level of debt, amounting to $10.6 trillion at the time of writing, and increasing by $3.4 billion per day. An immediate end to US foreign intervention and the Iraq war is also highly unlikely. The liberal media has already used the recession as a scapegoat to try and force more realistic expectations of Obama. However, Barack Hussain Obama as the messiah figure has been deeply ingrained into the psyche of the American left, and it will take an awful lot of media backpedaling to bring their heads out of the clouds. It's almost like a drug high. There's the euphoria, but then they're going to come down hard when they see Obama as just being another silver tounged populist who doesn't know jack about what he's doing. Especially that lady when she finds out she still has to pay her mortgage bill for the dilapidated house in Chicago that she bought knowing she couldn't afford it. The liberals of course will hang onto the myth, just as they have here over Pierre Trudeau. However, the real deal breaker is whether he can keep the likes of Joe the Plumber happy. With the amount of unrealistic promises he's made, I can confidently say Obama is going to be Americans first black one term president, provided of course the Republicans can push a viable candidate in 2012.
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