Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hot Headed on the Heels of Climategate

Violence erupts at the climate change conference in Copenhagen. It's a shameful spectacle of the worst kind. One thing about socialists. They hate war but they love to violently riot. The crowed has been described as groups of European leftists, naturally.

As I said in one of my previous articles, I believed that the pro-anthropogenic (man made) global warming crowd would get more militant. This was due to the fact that the anti-AGW side was gaining more ground in the debate. Of course this was before the proverbial feces hit the fan a couple weeks ago. Emails leaked from the University of East Anglia (the lead research institution for the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) provided the strongest evidence yet that scientists were deliberately altering climate data and that there was an large, organized conspiracy to silence critics.

The so called Climategate scandal should have went off like the Tsar Bomba in the media, but fizzled like a dud cherry bomb. It did get reported, slowly, and has now given climate critics a huge stockpile of ammo against the IPCC. Climate activists know that their argument is weakening and they are loosing public support big time. Belief in man made global warming has dropped an astounding 20-30% in the United States. This follows on the heels of an earlier report that suggests that the majority of Brits don't believe in the AGW theory.

With these revelations, those pushing for the agenda behind climate change have gotten more desperate. The real goal of Copenhagen is to provide third world countries with huge wealth transfer payments from richer countries. It's not as if they've kept this hidden. They've been fairly open about it. The goal is not to stop climate change but rather equalize global wealth by taking money out of the hands of the G8; all based on the pretext of atoning for their eco-sins. Now that their socialist dream has come under threat, they believe they must become more militant to try and get public opinion on their sides. Nothing pulls at people's hearts and senses like beating a cop with a brick and setting cars on fire... apparently.

On the subject of wealth transfer itself. One may wonder why this is so bad. It's like setting up a global charity after all? Not exactly. Most poor people will never see a dime of the money spent from these agreements, should they be put into place. More often than not, it ends up lining the pockets of despots, organized criminals, and corrupt bureaucrats. Socialists love to cuddle up to their fearless leaders though. Leaders who don't mind taking their own peoples' human, social, legal, and economic rights away for the "greater good".

Believe me, I'm not the only one who thinks this way. I know die hard liberals who think this climate change business is a huge scam. A lot of them in fact. The sceptics cannot be labelled crackpots or people buying into corporate propaganda anymore. There's just too many of us. Ultimately, we can only hope that this green madness will end and common sense will once again reign supreme.
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