Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rape is Rape

No means no, unless you live in Manitoba. Convicted Rapist Kennith Rhodes got off on a conditional sentence for attacking a woman four years ago. The crown was seeking at least three years but the judge would have none of it. According to Justice Robert Dewar, the victim had it coming to her. Why? She was scantily dressed while partying at a local bar. Apparently dressing slutty always means yes.

The tables have turned on Dewar. His office was surrounded by 100 protesters on Friday. They demanded he be removed from the bench. Dewar had called the case an incident of "misread signals," citing that "sex was in the air" and that there was a "heightened expectation that sex would occur."

The protesters said that there is no such thing as "implied consent". Dewar seems to think there is. Even when a woman refuses advances. It's okay to go ahead as long as she's dressed for the occasion. What's worse is that he almost made the rapist look like the true victim.

The group chanting outside is office is definitely in the right. Rape is not on the same level as murder or robbery. Crimes that are often committed out of passion or desperation. Any psychologist will tell you it isn't about sexual starvation. If it was all about looks, why do children and frumpy grandmas get attacked?

Rape is about power. The desire to control another human being. It has nothing to do with getting your rocks off. Justice Dewar seems to have confused that. It's sickening that this kind of thinking still goes on in our justice system. It's why so many rape victims refuse to come forward. Narrow minded people like Dewar believe that women only get attacked because they asked for it. When the hell did Saudi Arabian law arrive in Canada?

I've often said that judges are out of touch with our society. This is further proof.

The Canadian Judicial Council, the body that regulates judges, plans to launch an investigation into the comments. The Manitoba government has already filed a complaint.
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