Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year, Same Crap

Less that five hours into 2006, Toronto scored its first murder of the new year. Once again, gang related. A young man, only a year older than I am was shot dead, in his new Cadilac. Now how does a 21 year old man afford a Cadilac. I'll give you a hint, it looks like doughnut sugar and comes in plastic sandwich bags.

This is a very complicated issue for me to talk about, I mean without being labled some sort of '-ist' so allow me to be vague. It's obvious a certain community in Toronto has a problem, a serious one. They call for others to help them with their problem but members of this community tend to ignor their own core problems causing the violence. This community claims racism because the governments only acted when a young white girl was killed, although countless members of this community have also been killed with no reaction. There is a big difference. The vast majority of the members of this community that have been killed by violence were also comitting crimes and violence themselves. The girl who was shot on Boxing Day was simply an innocent victim. It wouldn't matter if she was white, black, asian, native, or what ever. The thing is that she was caught in violence and it makes people think "damn, that could have been me." We've seen similar reactions when other innocent people die. Such as the little Asian girl who was brutally murdered (I won't do her the disrespect of misspelling her name) struck me hard as I came to the realization that I had passed the area where she was lying dead every day. I think the worst thing people can do in this situation is begin blaming others for problems. Focus needs to be done to solve the core roots, which I went into detail with in my last article. This certain community needs to stop crying wolf.
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