Friday, December 30, 2005

We Asked You Nicely

"We asked you nicely not to hurt anybody, if you keep doing it, we'll have to ask you nicely again." This seeems to be the philosophy of Canada's justice system. Just this past week, six innocent people where gunned down on a busy downtown Toronto street. I say six as it looks like the seventh person shot was somehow involved with the gun fight. One of the innocent people was killed for simply going out shopping with her mother. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
This past year, Toronto has been plagued with gun fights right out of old western movies. Over 80 people have been killed. Some would say this statistic is realtively small as some US cities have almost 4 times the murder rate. I find this unacceptable. One murder is too many.

What makes the crime truly disturbing is that one of the people arrested in connection with the shooting was out on parole. He is innocent until proven guilty but he still had a gun on him, while on parole, at the time of his arrest. How the hell did he manage to get a gun on parole! Why wasn't his parole officer checking up on him! Canada's justice system is going down the toilet. You can make the laws as harsh as you want but you can never make liberal judges enforce them. Minimum sentences are needed.

Lets move onto the subject of guns. Politicians like to beat around the bush on the subject of violent crime. It's easy to blame the US for the guns coming into Canada. *sarcasm on* You do know that George W. Bush is handing all the Canadian criminals guns and teaching them to kill. *end Sarcasm* The truth is that criminals are smuggling guns across our border. The border that our border guards are supposed to be checking. It is not the US government's jurisdiction to make sure things don't go into Canada, that's our job, nobody elses. It's time to own up, Paul Martin and his Liberals, Dalton McGuinty, and Mayor Miller or Toronto cannot protect the people who gave them the mandate to govern.

To stop the violence, I propose the following solution which I posted on another website. The shootings are all drug related. Drugs are the great destroyer of modern civilization. Junkies are always chasing the high, and gangstas are there to sell it to them. Gangs then get into fights over who has the 'right' to sell drugs in a certain area, gang wars break out, people die.
Drugs are smuggled into the US and are used to buy guns. No currency to track. Guns then smuggled into Canada. Liberals like to blame gun theft in Canada for gun crime but a lot of the weapons they are using are illegal for sale in Canada. The drugs smuggled into the US from Canada and Latin America then start the cycle all over again down there. Guns brough up feed the violence and keep the cycle going up here. The issue itself is so complicated, its mind boggling.

The only way to stop the gangs is to cut off their drugs and guns. Harsher sentences for trafficing, harsher sentences for using a gun in a crime. More money into vice squads to higher more cops and to equip them better. Having armed border guards trained to look for illegal weapons, and more border patrols to keep the guns out.
Once that's under control, attack the root problems of society that are pushing youths into the gang culture. Particularly focus on education. Encourage disadvantaged youths to explore trades. Home life also needs to change. Particularly these youths need same-sex role models to encourage them to better themselves. We also need to help drug users kick the habit so they don't need the high, and thus no longer feed the gangs. It's not something that can be done in a quick fix. I don't have all the answers. It will take years, millions of dollars, and dedication from all levels of government and society to solve this problem. It can be done though. The least we can do is try.
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