Monday, December 12, 2005

CRTC Silencing Stern A Rights Violation

It sure has been a busy week for political talk.

Satellite radio is now in Canada. For as little as $13 a month, you can get hundreds of radio stations filled to the brim with Canadian and American content, well except for one America.

The titular king of shock radio and TV Howard Stern has been banned from Canadian airwaves. For those who don't know, Stern is known for his bathroom humor and has coloured American talk radio until the FCC shut him down this past year. Not being one to leave a good lewd joke behind, Stern has moved his show to Serius Satellite Radio. Serius is available in Canada but Stern will not be. The CRTC has determined that his show is too crude for Canadians' sensitive ears.

I have never been a fan of Stern. I watched his TV show a few times but never found it all that funny, but I didn't find it offensive either. The problem I have is this disturbing trend with the CRTC shutting stuff down. It is a violation of the constitution because it is silencing expression and free press. I don't care how crude it is, these are basic rights. If I call someone a jackass or tell a dirty joke, I'm not going to get arrested or have my mouth taped shut so why is this any different? This past year, the CRTC closed down a Quebec radio station because one person complained about something they heard. The show had 100,000 regular listeners who had no problem with the show but the CRTC still closed it down. As I said, very disturbing. I see the thought police are out again. The Canadian government will let someone like Fiddy Cent into Canada, a convicted fellon who preaches hate and violence against women, enter the country and perform but shuts up Stern for telling rude jokes? This has gone to far. It's time Canadians silenced the CRTC for good.

CRTC: Colossal Retareded waste of Taxpayer Cash
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