Thursday, December 01, 2005

Take my PM, Sleeze

Same crap, different election. Prime Minister Paul Martin has already started on his fear tactics by claiming Steven Harper doesn't love Canada. It is generally agreed upon that the question posed to Mr. Harper caught him off guard and was likely asked by a Liberal goon.

Liberals are very good at one thing, propaganda. I'm sure Joseph Gobbels would be proud. The problem, Canadians are starting to wise up to their usual tactics. Elections to the Liberals are not about why you should vote for them, but rather why you should not vote for the other guy. The truth is that the liberals lack any clear direction and its easier to mudsling. This is why campaigns have been so dirty lately. Mr. Martin is a very weak leader and if the party were smart, they'd remove him from power.

The NDP hopes to gain ground in this election. Layton claims that his party is what got things done in the last few months. Unfortunately this was at the expense of selling out the country in order to give Toronto more money. As I said in my last entry, Torontonians seem to think that the universe revolves around them. The NDP should not be given more power simply because they are too extreme and have too narrow a focus to really serve Canadian citizens. An NDP government did not work in Ontario and it would not work at the federal level either. Do we really want 'Layton Days'?

The Conservatives have some good ideas bit I think they are missing a lot of important points. The whole gay marriage issues was decided upon undemocratically and should have been open to a free vote. However, it is not a good idea to reopen the issue. The winds have been blowing in favour of it and it makes no sense to try and push it again. It is a lot more difficult to remove a "right" than to grant one. I believe their ideas to cut taxes is important. Canada needs government reforms and tax reforms. We waste too much. Too little of what Canadians are giving out is actually going where it is supposed to. I used the example of the gas tax in my last entry. In my opinion, GST should not just be reduced but eliminated entirely. At least it should be eliminated on essentials such as all food, shelter, fuel, and clothing expenses and I'd even go as far as to cut it from educational materials. Ontarians pay 15% which is just too much, some provinces pay even more. The federal government's role, with the exception of making equalization payments, is not that big when spending is concerned. They don't need all that money as they don't even spend it wisely when we give it to them. It's easy to forget that someone worked hard for them to have it.

It will be interesting to see where this all goes in the next two months. I'm predicting will have another Liberal minority. Canadians just don't get it. Anyway, people need to pay close attention to what's going on. All people above the age of 18 need to vote as well. You should not have the right to complain about political matters if you can vote but simply don't. Think of all those Iraqis that faced certain death in order to vote. What's your problem?
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