Thursday, December 22, 2005

Fab Hollywood

It's not very often that I comment about other countries but this one is bugging me. It is less common for me to comment on social issues so bare with me here.

Homosexuality is becoming a major (and irritating) political issue. Gay marriage has already been approved in some countries such as Canada, the UK, and parts of the US. I do not approve of it and I find it in poor taste. If they want to do it though, I know I cannot stop them as majority rules and increased gay 'rights' just happens to be the way the winds are blowing. What really bothers me is the gay agenda that everybody has now taken up. This is what I find the most disturbing, espcially with Hollywood recently. It has become hip for Hollywood stars to take on political issues, despite the fact that they know nothing about them. Take Bono for example. I don't think he has a degree in third world politics and I didn't vote for him.

The latest celebrity of sorts is Britain's "other queen", Elton John. He has just married his male 'lover' of several years. Like all Hollywood marriages, this is just another publicity stunt for the latest activism trend for the stars, gay rights. The top movie right now is Brokeback Mountain, about gay cowboys. It has already been nominated for numerous awards and is said to be a big Oscar contender. The problem, nobody has even see the movie yet. I can think of at least four other recent movies about gay people. Nearly every TV show has featured a gay episode or has introduced a gay character.

I'm just getting tired of people pushing the gay agenda. People are forcing it down our throats. Its ok if you want to be gay, just don't force your beliefs on other people. It's not like streight people parade in downtown Toronto declaring Streight Pride. Have a little modesty. The overwhelming display of extreme gay sexuality is offensive to many people and only proves the what anti-gay rights advocates have been saying.
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