Saturday, December 24, 2005

A New Low: Demeaning a People

I once made a remark that Martin's propaganda would make Joseph Gobbels pround. His latest attack ad could almost be right out of the mouth of the infamous Nazi propaganda minister.

The Liberals have released a misleading attack ad. The ad makes people believe that Stephen Harper and Giles Ducept are conspiring together to bring down the country. The picture itself was taken at a recent holocaust memorial dedication in which all party leaders attended. The leaders had no choice in seating. The ad itself has been declared a lie by both Harper and Ducept and has been called an insult by Jewish groups.

The Liberals have now stooped to a new low. Not only have they committed libel, they have also offended an entire religion. Jewish groups have stated that the Liberals are using the death of 6 million innocent people in WWII for their own political gains. I am not Jewish but I did have family who fought in the war. I have always been disgusted with Paul Martin but now I truly hate him. It just shows that he doesn't care who he runs down to keep his power. Martin has done a lot to harm Canada but this is just sick. If any Liberals reading this still have a shred of decency, they should switch their vote to NDP or Conservative, or some other party. Martin does not deserve to run a hotdog stand, let alone a nation after making these comments. The Liberal party issued a rather press release but has refused to apologize for the ad. As I said when it began, Martin's only tactic is to attack everybody else, he has no platform. Elections need not be this dirty.
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