Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fueling Transit Emptying Pockets

Another interesting Toronto idea. Well not so much interesting as, stupid. Very typical.

I now know why homeless people seem to hang around in Nathan Phillps Square. They aren't sleeping there, they're stuck in orbit around the centre of the universe. The latest idea out of the city comes in true Torontocentric fashion. The chair of the TTC wants the Government of Ontario to look into a $5 fee added onto annual licence plate renewals to help fund transit in the city. It was not mentioned whether this would only apply to Toronto residents or all Ontarians. Of course Toronto thinks its Ontario never mind the fact that 8 million Ontarians do not live in its borders. Will this money also fund other transit systems?

Let us not forget how much it costs to drive. $5 a year isn't much but its the principle. The cost of driving has been increasing while the roads are crumbling. The government already costs us money with their bad roads and over use of road salt. Drivers should not have to give more tax to pay for transit because the money is already there. Taxes wouldn't be so bad if the money was going where it was supposed to. If the government wants to solve the problem, try putting 100% or the gas tax into roads and transit instead of the current 5c, which is only about 20-25%. Where is the other 75% of the gas tax going?
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