Monday, November 21, 2005

The New Governor General

I think it's time we got rid of the office of the Governor General. The GG is a money sucking figurehead. Why does a sovereign nation need a representative to the government of another country? We are always talking about Canadian Sovereignty but we are still sucking at the British teat.

In a few days we will have a new Governor General. Her name is Michaelle Jean. A former French national and suspect Quebec separatist. Yet another token French position to keep them happy. What screams Canada more than a CBC newscaster and separatist. Somebody that nobody outside of Quebec that nobody has even heard of. I'd say Quebec can go to hell. Is there nobody in any other province that can do the job? I'm sure there is. Jean should not become the new GG. She is a traitor to this nation. There is overwhelming proof of this. Someone who supports tearing a nation apart should not be its commander in chief. Either Paul Martin is truly insane for appointing her or he is also trying to destroy Canada. Canadians must never trust the Liberals.

My proposals to change the Governor General.
1. Make it an elected position. Make them like a president. They must run a campaign to prove why they should have a position. Make them accountable.
2. Keep them appointed but they must also be confirmed by the legislature in a free vote. The same thing they do with Supreme Court Justices in the US.
3. Eliminate the position of governor general and combine the position with Prime Minister or Speaker of the House.
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