Monday, November 21, 2005

The Growing Move to Autocracy

Does anybody remember the episode of Star Trek which featured the character Khan? Khan was a dictator on Earth in the year 1996 who appeared in the future. It was claimed that in this year, Earth was ruled by petty dictators and they started the third world war.

Now, this is just fictional TV, right? Of course it is, but for how long. There seems to be a growing movement towards dictactorial governments. It's not that they are being installed, but rather are wanted. Odd. It is a sacred right of democracy to choose it or reject it but I don't think many people realise what autocracy entails.

The Hippie movement is back. They are as socialist as ever but they seem to favour dictatorships now. They're a little confused about the facts of their own belief system. They favour Saddam Husain in an indirect way. They make claims that removing him from power was unjust. Although it can be claimed that the reasons for going to Iraq where unjust, judging by the reactions of the Iraqi people, it was just to remove Saddam.

They do favour dictatorship. Look at Canada, the Liberal Party knows full well that they will be voted in, again and again. They do what ever they want and ignor the will of the voters. They are becoming dictators. People don't seem to mind though. This is very dangerous. Dictatorship means abuse of power, oppression of people. These are not good things people. Why do they like it though, simple, every decision is made for them. People do not like to think for themselves today, they want their government to decide for them. As a people, we need to get out of this way of thinking and begin leading our own lives and start making rouge governments accountable for their actions.
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