Monday, November 21, 2005

Say No to Parking Meters

The Town of Milton has proposed putting parking meters in the Downtown. I just have one thing to say, WHY? Why do we need parking meters. It's not like we get that many tourists. Most of them are going to Escarpment Country and Mohawk. This seems to be another blatant tax grab against Milton residents and businesses. Remember that this is the council that has raised our taxed about 5% annually over the last few years. I thought they supposedly had all that money from the Casino not to mention the new developments.

Local business owners in the Downtown are pleading with people to sign a petition to stop the installation of the meters. They feel the meters will scare people away from our downtown. They're right. If you get the chance, sign the petition. It has been posted in many Downtown shops. Help support our local economy and not our greedy local government.
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