Monday, November 21, 2005

Welcome to The Martin's Mill News

Welcome to my blog, The Martin's Mill News. This is a political blog for residents of Milton, Ontario. It has recently come to my attention that there is a lot of confusion regarding the town's current situation. I found that local media is not critical enough of Town Hall.. I've also discovered that our councilors often do not listen to what people are saying. In fact, the only people who seem to be running this town are the slew of developers gobbling up land.

About myself. I have lived in Milton all my life, which would be 20 years. I may be young but I'm no idiot. I am currently a second year History/Political Science student at UofT. My political opinions are right leaning but I do not ignor opposing points of view. I will try to keep this in mind as I write.

This site is also not just a critical one. Praise will be given but only when it is deserved. I hope you will enjoy reading this weekly publication.
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