Monday, November 21, 2005

Toronto Dumps on Us

At last, some Milton news. Unfortunately, it's very bad.

In the news today, Halton region has been named on a list from the Ontario government as a possible location to take Toronto's trash. For those who don't know, Michigan has been planning to close the border to Canadian garbage. The McGuinty government had been keeping the list of possible dumb sites for eight months.

According to CTV News, the dump just east of Town was designed to last for 30 years. If it where to take Toronto's trash, it would be overwhelmed in less than a year. Not only that, it would mean hundreds of garbage trucks travelling up Hwy 25 from the 401 and the QEW, through residential areas. How nice. I'm sorry but why should Toronto's trash be our problem. Mayor David Miller is perhaps the worst mayor Toronto has ever had. He doesn't seem to worry at all about Toronto's biggest problems. Why doesn't Toronto take out the trash at city hall, and don't even think to unload it on us.
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