Monday, November 21, 2005

Toxic Water and Tree Murderers

I had some more thoughts on the environment of this town, while drinking a glass of water. I noticed that the water in town has been getting more foul tasting in recent years. This issue has nothing to do with the Town of Milton but Halton Region. I've noticed my water ressembles pool water, not drinking water. Even through those filter jugs I can still taste it, Chlorine. Chlorine is a neccessary link in the chain used to keep our water safe and drinkable. However, after the Walkerton disaster, it seems that there is now an excessive amount in the water. Either that or it's not being filtered out properly. I cannot help but to think what this is doing to our long term health. I'm on well water from the Kelso Resivoir which used to taste really good but now I'm not sure weather I should take a cool drink or go for a cool swim in my next glass. Some days are worse than others.

One of the greatest legal battles in recent years in the town has been the infamous tree cutting case. I don't have all the details except that some guy cut down some trees, on his own property that he shouldn't have. Thousands are being spent on this case. Of course if the Town wants to cut down some trees to make way for a housing developement behind EC Durry Highschool, that's ok. It's also ok that a certain company who wants to expand a certain quary can tear down some trees too. This is what happens when you install a group of slack jawed yokles to run a town. Now Toronto has it on the right track environmentally speaking. There will be no more big filthy jets at the Island Airport, of course all that pollution from spilt blood is still a problem. However, that topic is for another day on another blog.
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