Monday, November 21, 2005

Fighting Drugs with Drugs

Another delightful tale of our big brother to the east. Toronto has a drug problem, a bad drug problem. I'm not going to talk about the dealers though but of Toronto's latest "solution" to the drug problem.

Their solution? To get rid of drugs, they give the junkies, drugs. Sounds silly doesn't it. Well, they've been doing it in Vancouver with the heroine addicts for a little while now. These so called safe injection sites. A panel has recommended that the City of Toronto do something similar, except with the crack addicts. They want to give these people safe smoke houses, the crack they need, and the bongs to smoke it with.

I for one think this is THE dumbest idea I have ever heard. You don't keep giving an alcoholic more booze, so why give a crackhead more cocaine. People have truly lost their minds. This won't solve the drug problem. Indeed it will aggravate it by giving people a place to smoke all the crack they won't for free. (Courtesy of the tax payer of course) It sends the message that it's ok to do illegal substances, and it's ok to keep doing them without any consequences. What the city should be doing is offering help to get these people off the drugs. We need tougher drug laws and better treatment programs. I'll even take it one step further, if Toronto were to adopt these smoke houses, it would be in violation of the Charter of Rights. Everybody has the right security of the person. Drugs, especially crack harm. The government is therefore harming people which is illegal in itself. You can't keep fighting fire with fire, you'll just end up with a lot of smoke. What a mess it is.
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