Monday, November 21, 2005

Going National

Don't worry, I'm not completely steering away from Milton. However, I'm going to try something different during luls when there isn't much going on in town. I'm going to select a provincial or national issue to talk about that will effect us all.

This week, Sharia. This is something that really makes me mad. For those who don't know what Sharia is, it is a form of Islamic law used to settle civil and marital disputes. Muslims wish to use it to solve their disputes instead of British Common Law that is currently used. Sharia traditionally favours males in disputes and subjects the "guilty" to often harsh punishments. These punishments can include social exile, physical abuse, and even death. Concider a woman who has been sexually assulted. Under Sharia, she is concidered to be the cause of the the assult and therefore must be punished. Rape is equated to adultery. The rapist may or may not be punished. This sort of thing seems rediculous to most of the modern world but is quite normal in many Islamic countries.

Anybody who even gives thought allowing Sharia is treading on dangerous ground. Quebec has already outlawed it, good for them but there is still talk about it in Ontario. Is Dalton McGuinty out of his mind?!

Sharia is blatantly unconstitutional and even threatens Canadian sovereignty. It directly violates equality rights, especially for women, it violates legal rights, and it sets forth a dangerous double standard. Why should one group have their own special set of laws? This basically makes a mockery of our justice system, something that doesn't have a lot of credability as it is. Sharia will create a rift between Islamics and others. I don't care who you are but you do not march into somebody elses country and demand they change their laws and their ways just so it suits you. If Islam is so great and Islamic law is so great, just stay in the Middle-East and don't come forcing your beliefs on us. I know I'll be accused of being racist or Islamaphobic, which is not true. I'm just defending our nation, its people, its history and culture, and most of all its constitution. Allowing these people to have their own sets of laws in fact anti-multicultural.

Sharia is a slap on the face to every person who fought for freedom, to every woman who fought for equaulity, and to everybody else who hold this freedom and equality dear.

To learn more about Sharia, see link

Contact your local MP and MPP to express your outrage over Sharia.
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