Monday, November 21, 2005

Fighting A Loosing Battle

Milton residents are fighting a loosing battle against Town Hall. It seems the more we cry, the more they plug their ears.

Apparently, we're all seeing things. Milton doesn't have a traffic problem after all. I think my car must be having problems then. Why else would it take me twice as long to get to school as it did a couple of years ago, even when the roads are clear sailing during rush hour.

Housing development has run amuk. There are no plans to upgrade roads and other infrastructure. They want to block out the Escarpment with houses. The people stand up for their democratic right and are blatantly lied to. I'm talking about the recent town meeting discussing the Tramaine/Derry housing development. Complaints were given and the chief of the Planning Department blatantly lied to people. He stated that there was no traffic problem and that no permit had been given for the new development. This is despite the fact that work has already begun, illegally on the development. I suspect that dealings in this town are being made on the whim of $100 bills stuffed in a breifcase, rather than the whim of the voters.

Director of Planning Mr Mel Iovio should resign for lying to the people he is supposed to serve. If Mayor Krantz is smart, he will fire him ASAP. What this town is doing to its people is wrong. This cannot be allowed to continue.
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