Monday, November 21, 2005

Toronto's Sickle and Hammer

Toronto's mayor and police board, they're communists. It's obvious in the way they act. The Toronto's police union has gone on a work to rule campaign. It's not often I agree with unions but they are right. This administration is anti-police. They won't let them do their job, they won't raise their pay, they won't hire more cops, and they want the existing ones to work longer without pay. Sure, they're only being asked to work an extra 40 hours a year. However, how would you like to loose a weeks vacation. I'm sure the people in Toronto's council wouldn't. This must be the only city that has a dumber administration than Milton does.

Toronto's police union wants the Police Services Board chair Pam McConnel to step down. She's a partner in crime to Mayor Miller. These two are devote Marxists, just short of admitting it. They are not even NDP, which usually sides with unions. They are letting their beliefes jeopardize the safety or Toronto's citizens. We already have snipers taking pot shots at cops on patrol.

We live in a country where the governments at all levels cannot protect the people. Well, I should say they WILL NOT protect the people. They serve no purpose anymore and people should send this message loud and clear come election day. Remember that municiple elections should effect you more than provincial or federal ones. People of Toronto, vote in 2006 and get these commies out.
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