Monday, November 21, 2005

Another Oakridges

I've brought this up before and I will again. There is a public question period coming up for a proposed 1800 house on the North East of Termaine and Derry road. Back in the 1980s, residents in the area where told that no major building would be allowed south of the CN tracks because this was enviornmentally protected land. Now they are telling people that developers can now build there. Is this not another Oakridges?

I do live in view of the Escarpment so this move will ruin my view which I have enjoyed for the past 20 years. We always thought we'd always have this view. Not only that, it will ruin property values of the people in the area so that some developer can sell a $100,000 house for $500,000 because it's "close to nature" or some crap like that. Close to nature? I don't think you can be if you destroy it to build the house.

So why build in an enviromentally sensitve area anyway. There is plenty of land to the north and east of town. Do we really need housed up to the base of the escarpment? A meeting is being held on October 24th for people to speak their minds about it. It is likely the town council will pass the new zoning anyway without listening to the people. I urge Milton residents to attend this meeting and also to go over the heads of Town Hall. Contact your local MPP as well as Mr. McGuinty. With the mess over Oakrides, we may have an upper hand before any contracts are made. The province does have the power to strike down this sort of municipal decision. If we don't act, we will loose this precious natural treasure to a sea of houses.
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