Monday, November 21, 2005

Liberal Hypocracy

There is a big problem with Canada, liberal hypocracy. This is something I see every day while attending a university, on TV, and on the internet.

Liberals are an interesting folk. They have formed the government for the last 12 years but seem to think they are being kept down by the conservative. The conservative tries to silence them with his facist visions. Is this really true? No. In fact it is the other way around. Conservatives in this country listen to liberals and simply say "that's fine for you but I don't agree." It is always important to listen to the opposing side. Liberals however go absolutely insane when a conservative experesses their viewpoint. A writer with the school newspaper was pummled with a barrage of childish names by his liberal peers for expressing his agreement with the war in Iraq. They called him a fat slob who sits and watched Fox News all day. I'm not rewording anything, that's what they actually called him. I was once kicked off an internet forum because I said Michael Moore's movies where innacurate. I was refering to Bowling for Columbine which is indeed full of things taken out of context. Funny enough I wasn't flaming or spaming. Somebody said they liked him and I said I didn't. Just a one post reply.

Everywhere it's Harper's evil or Bush is stealing oil. Heven for fend if some gay guys can't get married. The world will end if a woman has to use a condom for birth control instead of abortion. We conservatives are not the stereotype that liberals portray us. I myself am in favour of stem cells, some abortion, womens rights, cutting tuition fees, and a good balanced and free multicultural society. I am also in favour of good business, more police, better national security, reduced welfare, two tier health, getting rid of Quebec, immigration restrictions, cutting taxes, reducing buraucracy, and a student orientated education system. If we want to thrown religion in, I hate it. I don't believe in god and I think church and state should be strictly separated. There goes the American liberal sterotype that all conservatives are Christian fundamentalists. I do believe in good family values and this is where I think ture virtue begins, not in a church.

Then I hear about government corruption. All conservatives are out to push big corporations and those are the only people they work for. They are corrupt and don't care about anything but money. Bush is just in Iraq to get oil for his buddies.
Um, Paul Martin is a multi-millionare shipping magnate. His latest pet is a big wig at a certain multinational car parts company. In fact the Liberals rely on big corporations for moeny. There is also the issue that Cretien and his goons stole millions from taxpayers. Is that not corruption?
And there's the thought that all corporations are bad, making millions off the blood of the working class. Also false. Most corporations are small. Their owners are just trying to make a living. The idea of incorporating is reducing personal risk. Only the company can be sold off and a bad business deal won't leave you homeless. My parents own a small corporation and make about the same as their top employees who are labourors. All conservatives are rich multi-millionares? A lie.
As for Bush's oil, where did it go? Oh, it's still in the ground being managed by, *gasp* Iraqis?! Bush had other motives for going to war, not oil. He was misinformed first of all, he also has made getting Saddam a personal issue. If he was getting oil, why aren't we drowning in the stuff instead of paying a small fortune to fill up?

About the Hurricane Katrina. People are bashing Bush about his slow reaction time. It is true, he goofed. American was not prepared. However, I don't see democrats exactly running to help. The liberals began taking advantage of this disaster to bring up their issue of race. There was rampant racism, blacks where being left to die. Infact it was the liberal media that began labling the black residentes as looters and refugees. Then they began saying that Bush hates blacks. If bush hated blacks, why does he have a black woman as his third in command? He had a black man before her. All conservatives are racist. Yet another lie.

Liberals need to stop stereotyping people. Liberals pretend to fight stereotyping but they do it to us conservatives? They need to get with the program and end the hypocracy.
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