Monday, November 21, 2005

Reduce, Reuse

Another Halton Region beef that effect Milton. I find our lack of recycling appauling. (my environmental views must be confusing our liberal readers) We only get recycling picked up once every two weeks. Judging by the amount of recycling myself and my neighbours put out every other Wednesday, this is certainly not enough. They keep wanting us to recycle but they don't provide the service. The lack of service only encoureges people to send more to the dump as they can't stand the bottles and newspapers piling up in their yards. Other regions including Peel and Toronto have weekly pickup. We are supposed to be a wealthy region but where told they can't afford to pick it up more often. This is BS, they're just being cheap.
Another problem is that some office buildings don't have recycle pickup. I'm not sure wether this is the landlords problem but there should be some service. We run a family business on Alliance Rd. The office building we rent doesn't get recycle pickup. Most of the stuff we generate is recycling and I have to cart it home for residential pickup. Our businesses need recycling service too.

Lastly I'd also like to see the region provide more big pickup days. Once every other month is also not enough. They wouldn't even take some old plastic blinds I put out this week so I guess I have to wait until September, with these little blinds sitting in my garage, before I can get rid of them. The region better start offering some better waste disposal services soon, or we'll be buried up to our eyeballs in flyers and pop bottles.
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