Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Flag Follies

Canada has a long list of problems, but what have the Liberals set as their proiority? An argument over whether the flag should be up or down on the peace tower.

There has been quite a bit of argument over whether the flag on the Peace Tower in Ottawa should be lowered to half mast. People believe it should be lowered to honor the four soldiers killed. The Conservatives do not want to lower the flag instead opting to remember them on November 11th, an 80 year old tradition.The Liberals have been quite upset claiming that the conservatives are going along on the Bush bandwagon and trying to downplay deaths.

This has been the topic of many radio and TV talk shows. Canadians per usual agree with the Liberals. However, soldiers do not. Most soldiers interviewed would rather keep this tradition of Rememberance Day arguing that it is a day where all men and women who died in battle are remembered equally.

Now Toronto's Mayor David Miller has come under fire for chosing to lower the flag at city hall. This has once again fueled the fires of Toronto centricism. Two of the men killed were from the GTA. Many believe that this would not have been so big of an issue if the soldiers had been from elsewhere in the country.

Do the Liberals really care about these men so much, no. Based on their terrible treatment of veterans in the past, such as the refusal to help pay for a monument at Juno Beach in Normandy for one. Then there was that piece of election propaganda that insulted veterals for political gains. The Liberals are simply back to their old games. They are using these poor men who fought and died for their country as a political football. They are doing this for the sole purpose of making the Conservatives look bad, since the Conservatives are gaining in the poles and the Liberals are falling far behind. Obviously the Liberals have not learned from the mistakes they made and the election hardly humbled them. Why do people keep voting for these sick, sleezy people?
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