Wednesday, April 12, 2006

McGuinty's Shocker

I have made several remarks that Dalton McGuinty should be recalled. The time has come for him to be removed from government.

This week, he has hiked electricity bills for consumers on average of 15%. This huge increase is another shot in the back against consumers who are already conserving but are still struggling to pay the bills. This is yet another proof that the man is not capable or running Ontario. %15 is not a small hike, but rather translates between $6-15 per month depending on where you live. Guess who will have the smallest increase. Toronto yet again. Toronto the biggest consumer of electricity in all of the province gets to pay less than smaller towns and cities.

McGuinty has already shown a poor track record of managing the power. First he closed coal plants, putting us in a shortage situation without plans to replace them. Next he forced people to pay $50 for his dumb (aka SMART) meters in order to squeeze more money out of consumers. If you refuse, they'll charge you a fee to read your meter each month. Next he gives the president of Hydro One an undeserved $500,000 raise, while most Ontarians don't even make one tenth of that. Now he forces consumers to fork over even more cash to pay the bills because of his closing of the coal plants.

Well Ontarians, it's your fault. You voted for change and you got it. Too bad it's not what you expected. That's what happens when you let the Fiberals take the reins. All is not lost though. Don't wait until 2007. Petition to recall McGuinty. Based how they've been working to destroy Ontario, don't give McGuinty's Liberals a single seat in the next election.
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