Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Police Action Needed in Israel

Ok, I'm beginning to think this has gone on long enough. The Middle East is once again at war with itself over petty issues. Innocent civilians are being killed, or forced to hide underground on both sides. All because some Muslim nutbars in Lebanon can't mind there own business and because the Israelies are too dumb to use diplomacy.

I propose a state of Police Action in Israel and Lebanon by United Nations forces. These countries cannot seem to handle their problems on their own. Lebanon for allowing Hezbolla to exist and Israel for over-reacting to kidnappings. Israel is constantly looking for sympathy from the west but they are just as bad as the terrorists. Perhaps giving the Jews their own state was a mistake after all, because they haven't proven to the international community that they are worthy of it. The only way we're going to stop this conflict is send armed troops into both countries and physically pry them apart, much like what was done in Korea.

What needs to be done.
-UN troops need to enter Lebanon and worwith the Lebonese government to root out every single member of Hezbolla and jail them. They need to be tackled like the police here do with street gangs. Mass armed raids with the help of the community.
-UN needs to place sanctions on Israel. Diplomacy was not exhausted and Israel, much like the Palestinians they hate so much, always resorts to violence whenever something happens that they don't like. If the two countries had worked together peacefully, this whole soldier kidnapped could have been solved without the massive shelling and rocket attacks that are hammering both sides. Israel needs to learn that violence against their neighbours is not ok, especially without declaring war. It is also important to note that they are in violation of the Geneva convention for killing civilians, which Switzerland has already spoken out against.

As I mentioned earlier, the west CANNOT take sides in the conflict if it's ever going to end. We have to treat both sides equally harshly to let them know that this sort of childish behaviour is unacceptable.
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