Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Toronto's Misguided Waterfront

For over a decade now, Toronto has planned to revitalize its waterfront, but has now run into more snags. The problem this time around, they don't own all that land.

Earlier this year, the city unvailed a unique plan for their waterfront that would have everything interconnected by fancy boardwalks and bridges. With shopping and parks. As of right now, Toronto's waterfront looks like one you would find in New Jersey, complete with smell. It's in dyer need of restoration. The only problem is the plan selected after an international contest was held is impractical. Unfortunately, it wasn't properly surveyed and it turns out some people own some of the land, and live on it. Two apartment buildings in particular.

Toronto's mayor went back to showing his true red stripes today. Mr Miller is a fundamentalist communist, although he's never publically stated this, it's obvious from his actions. He's all upset that these apartment buildings would block the flow of this interconnected plan. The mayor wants that land and wants the land owners to give it to him nicely. The land owners don't want to sell which has the city puzzled. Why aren't these owners being good socialists like all Torontonians? Are they greedy capitalists who want more money?
It would never dawn on the people running the city that the owners like that land, and don't wish to sell it at all.

I'm beginning to think this waterfront this is just a pipe dream. By the time I'm Mr Miller's age, Toronto's waterfront will probably be dirtier and smellier than ever. In the mean time, they keep wasting my money to pay for this so called improvement in a city I don't even live in.
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