Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Gas Shortage Conspiracy?

Is the gas shortage in the GTA a conspiracy? I think so. Without mentioning names, I find it odd that a certain oil company would have two mishaps that would shut down two separate refineries in as many months. Though it is possible that it could indeed be a coincidence but I think sabotage is the more likely reason for the incidents. I certainly wouldn't put it beyond an industry who will do or say virtually anything to increase the price of fuel to pad their already record profits. For their actions, they are hurting the entire core of the economy. Many businesses, both small and large, cannot find fuel for their fleets. Goods aren't getting to market. People aren't making money, well most people except the oil industry.
They industry is indeed based on illegal cartels, despite what government officials have claimed. They're all in on it. Artificial shortages are a huge boon to both the oil industry and the government. With the sharp spike in prices, the government gets to collect taxes like crazy. Fuel is one of the most heavily taxed items in Canada, supposedly due to environmental concerns which is yet another conspiracy. Looks like 2007 will be yet another record profit year for oil while other industries suffer at the hands of it.

How do we stop this gouging at the pumps. Cut 100% of the gas tax. The tax was originally brought in to repair roads and to clean up the environment. The majority of the tax goes into general revenue though and never goes where it was originally intended. It is a failed government policy that we simply don't need. Once the government's lucrative deal with oil is cut loose, perhaps there can finally be some fairness for both business and ordinary citizens.
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