Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Turner Should Resign

Like many Halton residents, I feel betrayed today. Betrayed because MP Garth Turner defected to the Liberal party. I give kudos to the man's political skills, he had even the best of us fooled.
I wrote in my blog several months back chastising Prime Minister Harper for removing Tuner from the Conservative party caucus. His reasonings for doing so have become quite clear in the past couple of days. I'll go so far as to apologize for calling him a lier after Turner was evicted. We all know who the real lier is now. The one good thing about this is that it has restored my faith in the Conservatives.

A year ago, Halton residents went to the polls. They ticked their vote next to the Conservatives and a conservative MP won. Now we wake up to find we have a Liberal MP. Was there an election? No. Were Halton residents asked if this was ok? No. In fact, Halton residents voted for him to stay independent during one of his (now obviously phony) "town hall meetings." This from a man who claimed to be standing up for his constituents. A man who jeered people like Belinda Stronach for doing the same thing. This is precisely why voters have become more cynical and turnouts have dropped. People cannot count on their MPs anymore to represent them. As the Toronto Sun put it, it's all about me me me. All I can do is speculate, but it's likely Mr Dion has offered the dishonorable MP Mr Turner a cabinet position should the Liberals win the next election. The same was done with Belinda Stronach under Paul Martin.

Say what you want about US politics, but these games aren't played down there. At least constituents and lobby groups are given priority, rather than corrupt political parties. Parliament should not be a game of pong where the people just bounce back and fourth from one side to the other. If Mr Turner wants to be a Liberal now, that's his decision. However, if he has any shred of dignity left, he will immediately resign his position as an MP so a byelection can be called. This sort of action cannot be tolerated by Canadian citizens anymore. It's time were send a strong message to those in parliament. In the next federal election, please throw your support behind either the Conservatives, NDP, or Green. Do not vote Liberal else you condemn your country to more corruption.

I will be sending a strong letter to Turner demanding his resignation. I urge all Halton residents to form petitions and write similar letters.
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