Friday, March 23, 2007

905ers Will No Longer Have to Pay for Toronto

Some good news in the Ontario budget, which is rare coming from this particular government. The McGuinty Liberals have decided to ax a program that saw 905 tax dollars going to support the city of Toronto. There will be no more 905 money going to the city. It's about time, though still not enough to sway my vote. Of course, this has upset Toronto mayor David Miller. It has not been a good week for him. Both the federal and provincial budgets did not provide any more money for cities. Bad news for Mr Miller, good news for everyone who lives outside of Downtown Toronto.

Mr Miller is a man who has plenty of wonderful ideas, but he wants everybody else to pay for them. Ah, the credit card mentality of our society. Champaign tastes on a beer budget. That whiny little kid he's got running the TTC now, I just want to punch him in the mouth. Almost makes me wish Howard Moscow was still in charge... almost. Tis the hallmark of NDP governments. Always spending beyond their means and incurring massive debts in the meantime, with little benefit to ordinary citizens in return.

What else can I say about the two budgets? They were pretty solid. Nothing really to complain about. Neither government wants to stir the manure pile at this point. I would have liked to see more tax cuts for the middle class though. Especially the axing of the controversial health care premium. Since Ontario is now running a surplus, this is something that should have been done.
In Ottawa, the Liberals and NDP has both stated that they will vote against the Conservative budget. Natch. The Bloc and at least one now ex-Liberal is voting in favour of it though, so it looks like it will pass. Recent polls have shown that the majority of Canadians like the budget and don't want an election. It's not in the best interest of any federal parties to trigger an election right now, since none of them can form a majority.
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