Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More Grounds to Remove McGuinty from Office

An article in the Toronto Sun has suggested that Dalton McGuinty and several top cabinet ministers were directly involved with the slush fund scandal. This time, it has to do with $15 million of taxpayer money he gave to a Jewish organization, who's leader also happens to be wealthy and a top Liberal party member. Seems Ontario could have its own mini sponsorship scandal. It's unfortunate that this stuff didn't come out in the last election.
Of course it's in the Sun, which isn't exactly the world's best news source, but it does raise some questions.

With all the lies, deceit, and broken promises, why is McGuinty still premier? With record low turnout, neither McGuinty, nor any of the other provincial leaders, are legitimate. I think it's time a prompt and full public inquiry was called to investigate the Liberals, followed immediately by a general election.
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