Saturday, December 13, 2008

Liberal Coalition Backfires According to Polls

I had warned the Liberals that their plan for forcing an unelected coalition would backfire on Canadians. I guess they underestimated the resolve of the Canadian public as well as the huge insult to their own supporters that allying with the separatists was.

From the Ottawa Citizen, Saturday December 12th, 2008.
"TORONTO -- Canada's ruling Conservatives would win a strong majority in Parliament if elections were held today, according to a poll showing the new leader of the opposition Liberals has done little to boost public support.

Canadians favor the Conservatives over the Liberals by 45 percent to 26 percent, an Ipsos Reid poll showed. The New Democrats (NDP) had the backing of 12 percent."

Ok, so these polls aren't exactly reliable but the news doesn't bode well for the coalition and its plans to govern. It shows that the Liberals popularity hasn't budged one bit despite Dion being kicked out. More interesting is the substantial loss the NDP has suffered, down from approximately 18% of the vote in the last election. When will the lefties learn that their unethical and elitist tactics for gaining power (more than what's normal for politicians anyway) don't win votes. It's nice to see them taken down a peg. Looks like Canada's left is going the way of the PC party in the 1990s.

Source: Ottawa Citizen

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