Sunday, December 07, 2008

Liberal Holiday Blowout Sale: It's Rae Days Nation Wide!

Well, it's finally become apparent who is pushing the Liberal-NDP-Bloc Coalition. A man who knows a thing or two about weaselling his way into power through less than ethical channels. Yep, you guessed it: Bob Rae. Back in 1985, his NDP joined up with David Peterson of the Ontario Liberals to form the coalition that wasn't a coalition to oust the impotent Frank Miller Conservatives. It was notable for ending the "Big Blue Machine" that had ruled the Ontario Legislature since 1948. In 1985, neither the Conservatives or Liberals held a majority at the time, though the Conservatives had been the ones elected to office. The Accord Rae signed with Peterson, which he (Rae) stressed wasn't a coalition, gave the balance of power to the Liberals. Through NDP support, the Liberals gained power through a motion of non-confidence without being elected. This proved unpopular. Ontarians, fed up with the Liberals and the PC voted Rae in as premier under a majority government in 1990. Things wend down hill from there. The early 90s were a period of tough economic times for Ontario. Jobs were being lost left, right, and centre. In response, Rae took a tax and spend approach and quickly racked up a $10 billion deficit. Realizing the mistake he made, he tried frantically to cut back spending. He attempted to roll back civil servants' salaries and instituted the now infamous Rae Days, unpaid "holidays" for public employees. The public service unions, the biggest supporters of the NDP, lashed out at him. In response to the mess, the PCs were elected to power in 1995 under Mike Harris, who promised to clean up the huge amount of debt that the Rae NDP had left on Ontario citizens' door steps.

Skip forward 18 years after Rae was first elected premier. Now a Liberal, Rae is pushing for a coalition with the NDP and the Bloc to try and oust the "impotent" Conservatives under Steven Harper. Neither the Liberals or Conservatives hold a majority of seats in the House of Commons. The country is in a period of tough economic times. Jobs are being lost left, right, and centre. Wait a minute, this sounds familiar, doesn't it? It came out on Friday that the coalition seems to be the mastermind of Rae. After all, he seems to be the one pushing for it the most. He's also considered the most likely candidate to head the Liberal Party and would be Prime Minister if the coalition got its way. Ignatiff has already declared he is uneasy with it. Isn't it funny how history seems doomed to repeat itself. Once again, we have Bob Rae using unethical tactics to gain power, while in a period of economic crisis. Has he learned from the mistakes he made as Premier of Ontario? Obviously not. Mr Rae is nothing more than a prostitute. More shocking was yesterday's demonstrations with him parading about in Toronto in front of a crowd of tunnel visioned left wing idiots who are nuts for such a coalition. All they see is getting the Conservatives out while not looking at the big picture, including Rae's past history and the dangerous constitutional precedent such a coalition would set. To paraphrase Sideshow Bob, "your guilty conscience may force you to vote Conservative, but deep down inside you long for a corrupt Liberal to raise taxes, brutalize the electoral process, and rule you like a king." I'm sure this must be what's going through Bob Rae's mind right now. If the coalition gets in, I wonder how long it will be before we're $100 billion in deficit and have Rae Days nation wide. Maybe Mike Harris should run for the federal Conservative leadership. Help us Mikey baby, you're our only hope.
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