Friday, May 01, 2009

Obama: The Anti-Hero for Canada

Obama to Canada is a bit like an abusive spouse. No matter how many times he hits us, we still claim to love him with all our hearts. When I told people before the November election that I thought he would be the worst possible choice for Canada, people thought I was being an idiot. I have mixed feelings on the issue. I'm happy about being right but I'm sad about being right since everything I said came true. Don Martin of the National Post voices similar concerns to mine complete with 20/20 hindsight. For those keeping score, the Obama administration has attacked Canada in several ways.

-"Buy American" plan discouraged buying raw materials for American made goods from other countries. Canada being a major provider of those materials.
-Homeland Security secretary said that the 9/11 terrorists entered the United States through Canada despite the 9/11 Commission stating otherwise
-Administration press release labelled Canada as a haven for copyright infringement due to it's lack of DMCA style protections, the only Western country fingered in the report.
-Recovery Act and new environmental programs that threatens to put NAFTA into jeopardy over things such as carbon trading & the Alberta oil sands, food labelling on pork, and new duties on softwood lumber.

Five international incidents with Canada in the first 100 days. Not what I would call a good start. I don't even think Bush had that many that quickly. All he did was refuse to visit us. Even Canadian liberals must be second guessing Obama at this point. None of this should be a surprise though. It was known since the NAFTA-gate (fake) scandal came to light last summer. Obama is shaping up to be another Jimmy Carter. A weak and incompetent president who should have stuck to farming peanuts (or taro in Obama's case) rather than trying to lead the free world. What do you expect for someone who was voted in based on race alone rather than record. Now that we have some greater degree of political power on the global scale, I think it's high time we started throwing our weight around.
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